updated July 2nd, 2024

Daud's currently offered type of commission (last updated August 2023).
Daud's currently offered type of commission (last updated August 2023).
Daud's currently offered type of commission (last updated August 2023).

please email me CLEAR references of your characters (images + personality, expression, pose idea, etc). you can link me to a website where you keep all this info!


a visual and communication design '21 graduate branching in animation. mainly looking for character art, motion graphics, and storyboard jobs, but is also interested in doing sequential arts.1997 / southeast asian

terms of service - personal use

Updated December 11th, 2023By ordering MDZDYD / MDAUD’S PERSONAL USE COMMISSIONS, you are agreeing to the terms of service as written.

1) Please provide CLEAR references of your characters (images + text whenever needed). REFERENCES THAT ONLY CONSIST OF TEXT WILL BE CHARGED AS DESIGN WORK, and the amount charged will vary depending on complexity.2) I reserve the right to REFUSE commissions if I don’t feel comfortable drawing them for whatever reason, OR because I know the request contains racism, transphobia, pedophilia, ableism, zoophilia, incest, noncon, etc. I also reserve the right to REFUSE if the client is known to be associated with the listed themes even though the request may not explicitly contain such.3) Subjects I will draw:
- Original characters
- Fictional characters
- Real people (friends/family)
4) Subjects I will NOT draw (ask first for exceptions):
- Public figures (exception for face claims for fictional characters)
- Furries (pandaren, argonian, hrothgar, etc; exception for animal ears/horns)
- Mecha (exception for humanoids)
5) You may NOT use/edit my work in any form of media that is hateful/harmful in any way.6) You may NOT use my work for/make payments in our transaction using ANY forms of blockchain-related technology, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions of the space.7) Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall my artwork, commissioned for or otherwise, be used or scraped for data usage, including but not limited to tagging, training and recognition for any machine learning, such as AI image generation, recognition, and other services.8) I will only accept payment using PayPal invoice, unless I am also accepting commissions through Ko-fi, which should be discussed and agreed upon first. The commissions will be charged 50% upfront and 50% upon completion. Extra fees from additional characters can already be summed from the start of transaction, but extra fees from design complexity may be charged in the second half after an agreement.9) Things that may increase price:
- Ornate weapons
- Ornate armor
- Ornate tattoos
- Pets
10) Things that will NOT increase price:
- Assistive devices
- Service animals
11) Each commission will be completed in 1-4 months. If your commission is taking longer than expected to finish, I will notify you as soon as possible.12) I will send updates of the Work in Progress (WIP) in several stages:
- Sketch
- Lineart
- Flats
- Final
REVISIONS THAT REQUIRE EXTENSIVE REDRAWING AFTER THE LINEART STAGE WILL BE CHARGED. Otherwise, minor revisions are free of charge and can be done anytime.
13) On refunds:
- Please contact me if you’d like to cancel a commission for whatever reason. You are thus entitled to a refund and the amount will vary depending on how far I have progressed into the commission. DO NOT ISSUE A CHARGEBACK.
- I also reserve the right to cancel and refund the commissions at any time for any reason. Depending on how far I have progressed into the commission, the amount of refund will vary.
- Completed artworks are NON-REFUNDABLE.
14) The commissions will be for PERSONAL USE ONLY (no profit is to be made from redistribution).15) I hold every right to the artwork as the artist. I am allowed to use the artworks for, but not limited to:
- Portfolio
- Promotional use (commission samples)
16) Please credit me if you wish to repost the artwork. I am @mdzdyd on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Carrd.

commission progress

U: Full Color // A: Flat Color // L: Lined Only // S: Sketch

Name / TypeProgressPayment
*) Lyssa / Portrait USketch (ON HOLD)-
1) Will / Half-Fullbody Single A*Lining1 of 2
2) Evan / Fullbody Single A*Not startedPaid